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About us

Job satisfaction achieving results

SIOUX LLC, a foreign trade company dedicated to International Trading and international consulting, supporting companies and entrepreneurs whose mission is to do so responsibly, we implement the infrastructure, skills and our global network of investors and entrepreneurs, to move physical products from the places where they are abundant to where they are most found. necessary.

SIOUX LLC based in South Florida in the United States concentrating its activities on import and export of goods and logistics and services.​

Our objective is to minimize the risks in international commercial relations and simplify the successful outcome of operations.

The same commercial transaction has different approaches, and requires knowledge, experience and updating in a scenario as changing as global economic geopolitics indicates.

For exporters and importers, we carry out a thorough due diligence process, which includes stock market analysis, real-time commodity prices, country risk, and we comply with the standards of the International Chamber of Commerce and other regulatory institutions such as FINCEN. , OFAC. All our activities are subject to a strict money laundering prevention manual.

We work under recognized international quality control standards with our products. We have experience in business management, so we know how important it is to work with serious suppliers, where delivery times and quality are crucial for a good business relationship. A customer is very difficult to win but very easy to lose, that is why we are committed to providing the highest quality service.

US American flag. For USA Memorial day, Veteran's day, Labor day, or 4th of July celebrati


We were born more than two decades ago in distant lands where mate, soccer and friendship are the national anthem. We export tango and the best barbecues to the world. Our ambassadors today are Pope Francis, Messi and the creator of the by pass, Dr Favaloro. After negotiating, traveling the world, consolidating opinions, giving your best, learning from different business cultures, growing. learning to make mistakes and having learned to win and also to lose, we arrive at the land of opportunities to be able to work with the greatest honesty and conscience and above all be friends of our clients and suppliers. Today we have the smell of ports, the smell of the sea and a lot of experience in international business to unite our clients and suppliers at a table where all parties win.

Our team

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